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How to wear colorful bomber jacket without looking tacky

Today there are many fantastic ways to wear a bomber jacket. But before you start styling your outfit, you have to choose, what kind of bomber jackets that you want to wear. There are many different types as well as colors available in the market. Manufacturers of bomber jacket wholesale boast of pieces that are made with the optimum quality fabric and are also imbibed with trendy details. Whether you wear a black bomber jacket or a suede brown one, whatever you wear will have an effect on the overall ensemble, hence style accordingly.

Burgundy bomber jacket

The burgundy bomber jacket was first favored by punks who adored this clothing piece with much curiosity in the late 70’s and 80’s. Today this jacket will suit a variety of styles, but it is also helpful in adding a touch of attitude to any kind of outfit. To rock a burgundy bomber jacket in 2018, all you need is a pair of dark jeans and a dark shirt to wear under the jacket.

Olive bomber jacket

Olive bomber jackets along with those in the other shades of green are a popular choice among men. The unique color works well and provides a military aesthetic to any kind of clothing. This choice ultimately alleviates the outfit from casual to sports luxe. Working as an accent item to add depth to the simplest of jeans and a tee attire.

White bomber jacket

A white bomber jacket is a statement piece to own. It is more versatile than you think, because the white jacket works well for spring as much as winter. The color is one of a kind and can be worn with bright or neutral complementary pieces as well.

Black bomber jacket

When it comes to choosing a bomber jacket, black is definitely a classic choice. It is common but also extremely adaptable in nature. The black bomber jacket is perfect if you want to create a winter capsule wardrobe and want to include dramatic winter pieces in it.

Red bomber jacket

For gents who like an on trend look, a red bomber jacket works excellent for this purpose. Apart from being fashion forward than most of the colors, this jacket works well as a statement piece too. To make the jacket work, pair light or neutral colored pieces with it so that the focus is only on the jacket.
Hence, instead of sticking to the same neutral tones, try playing around with different types of colors and style them for the different season accordingly. Retailers can get bomber jacket and custom letterman jacket by bulk ordering apparel from the best of the jacket manufacturers.